The Northwoods Explorers
of Space and Astronomy
The Sky Tonight
and other timely news from around the Universe
Here are a few websites where you can find more information on what's up in the sky, including starcharts, moon phases, our local 48 hour forecast, our weather in space, the aurora forecast, and when you might see the International Space Station fly overhead at 17,500 mph.
Night Sky Planner from the Night Sky Network
Sky at a glance from Sky and Telescope
Stardate from the McDonald Observatory
Download this month's skychart for free -- no ads
Determine moon positions for Jupiter - find a Galilean moon transit across Jupiter!
Determine moon positions for Saturn
Sky Tours -- Learn your way around the sky -- tours for every season!
View the current sun https://solar-center.stanford.edu/sun-today.html
Check Planet Earth's Space Weather
Sighting opportunities to observe the International Space Station overhead, and other flybys
Clear Sky Chart 48 hour forecast for Minocqua
Astropheric Sky Chart 48 hour forecast for Minocqua
The Skygazer's 7 day forecast for Minocqua
Compilation of Deep Sky Objects for Imaging
Space news from Universe Today
Latest Research news from Science Daily
JPL Space Exploration Lectures/Presentations
Silicon Valley Astronomy Lectures