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The Northwoods Explorers

Membership Program



We invite you to join the Northwoods Explorers in our quest to learn more about our amazing Universe and to share that knowledge with others. A Northwoods Explorers membership includes many benefits including the opportunity to learn more about our Universe, how to find your way among the stars, loaner telescopes and more. For those who wish to travel farther, the members-only programs can help you acquire the skills to use telescopes and imaging equipment. 


Membership dues help support this website and many of our activities that provide the opportunity for the public to view and enjoy the beautiful Universe they live in, and to enrich the experiences for students so they could appreciate how exciting it is to explore the unknown and contribute to the general body of knowledge. All of our operations are managed by volunteers, join our team today! 

Membership includes these benefits:


- Private stargazing and remote-observing opportunities.
- Fix-it and how-to get-togethers to learn new skills and how to use the tools of the trade.

- Discounts on Astronomy-related publications and other associations.

- Loaner telescopes, eyepieces, and cameras to try out at no charge.
- Opportunities to help with our public programs.

An Astronomical League quarterly magazine and opportunities for advancing personal goals.

- A membership helps to provide programs for local schools as well as the general public. 

Membership levels (annual):

Teacher/Student/Unemployed - $10
Individual/Family - $20
Sustaining Member - $40

If you don't have a PayPal account, you can send us a check or use a credit card on the PayPal site. 


If you send a check, please include an email address, or let us know by emailing us. The check should be addressed to the "Northwoods Explorers". Thank you!


Mailing Address:

The Northwoods Explorers of Space and Astronomy
P.O. Box 1213
Minocqua, WI 54548

If you are not ready to become a member it is still free to attend many of our public programs -  sign up for event notifications below.  


If you have any questions, email them to 


Donations are also gratefully accepted (see below). 



When you visit PayPal site enter the appropriate membership amount. Note that your payment is considered a donation to the Northwoods Explorers and is deductible to the full extent of the law. We are a 501(c)3 Public Charity

The Northwoods Explorers of Space and Astronomy, Inc.

Proud members of the
NASA Night Sky Network
Signup for event notifications, 
send your request to:




Help us share the amazing Universe with the public - our programs are free to the public; all of our members are volunteers. 

Please Donate Today to help continue our educational programs.

(Clicking above opens a PayPal window)
Donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.
We are a 501(c)3 Nonprofit Public Charity.

© 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 by

The Northwoods Explorers

 of Space and Astronomy, Inc.

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